This study investigated the sponsored effectiveness of the live broadcast of the final 2010 World Cup championship on outdoor big screen by the Asia Pacific Telecom in Kaohsiung National Stadium.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of the audience's attitudes toward World Cup and sponsorship, and spectators' identification with the sponsor on the effectiveness of sponsorship. According to balance theory, the halo effects and attribution theory in image transfer, image spreading and strengthening, the current study empirically examined a model explaining the relationships between audience's attitudes and sponsorship effectiveness. A survey questionnaire was used, including measures of ”attitude toward the World Cup”, ”attitude toward the sponsorship for the World Cup,” ”the level of identification with the sponsor, Asia-Pacific Telecom,” ”the effectiveness of sponsorship in the enhancement of reputation and image for the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom”, ”the effectiveness of sponsorship in purchasing intention for the products of the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom.” The questionnaire was distributed to the audience in the outdoor broadcast of the final World Cup game at the National Stadium, Kaohsiung. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 427 valid were returned. Using SPSS software (statistical package for the social sciences) for analysis, descriptive statistics revealed that 53% of the sample was males. The reliabilities (Cronbach's Alphas) of the five measures were between 0.89 and 0.94. Then using the AMOS 17.0 (analysis of a moment structure) software, confirmatory factor analyses showed that the indexes of the model fit were good, and the scales met construct reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The analyses of structural equation modeling showed that the model fit was acceptable and all path coefficients were significant (p <.05), indicating that all hypotheses were supported. The predictive power of the model was high. The explained variance of the effectiveness of sponshorship in purchasing intention for the products of Asia Pacific Telecom was 62%; the explained variance of the effectiveness of sponsorship in reputation and image for the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom was 49%. The empirical evidence supported the relationship model. In order to improve the effectiveness of sponsorship, the enhancement of the identification with the sponsor played a critical direct role. The audience's attitude toward the sponsorship played a mediating role while the audience's attitude toward the sporting event was an exogenous variable. Practical implications suggested that sponsors should carefully choose their target of a sporting event toward which potential customers have positive attitudes, might use social marketing to make the audience attribute positive quality to the sponsor, design integrated marketing activities to increase the audience's recognition with the sponsor, and raise visibility and image of the sponsor as the main goals of the sponsorship.
This study investigated the sponsored effectiveness of the live broadcast of the final 2010 World Cup championship on outdoor big screen by the Asia Pacific Telecom in Kaohsiung National Stadium.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of the audience's attitudes toward World Cup and sponsorship, and spectators' identification with the sponsor on the effectiveness of sponsorship. According to balance theory, the halo effects and attribution theory in image transfer, image spreading and strengthening, the current study empirically examined a model explaining the relationships between audience's attitudes and sponsorship effectiveness. A survey questionnaire was used, including measures of ”attitude toward the World Cup”, ”attitude toward the sponsorship for the World Cup,” ”the level of identification with the sponsor, Asia-Pacific Telecom,” ”the effectiveness of sponsorship in the enhancement of reputation and image for the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom”, ”the effectiveness of sponsorship in purchasing intention for the products of the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom.” The questionnaire was distributed to the audience in the outdoor broadcast of the final World Cup game at the National Stadium, Kaohsiung. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 427 valid were returned. Using SPSS software (statistical package for the social sciences) for analysis, descriptive statistics revealed that 53% of the sample was males. The reliabilities (Cronbach's Alphas) of the five measures were between 0.89 and 0.94. Then using the AMOS 17.0 (analysis of a moment structure) software, confirmatory factor analyses showed that the indexes of the model fit were good, and the scales met construct reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The analyses of structural equation modeling showed that the model fit was acceptable and all path coefficients were significant (p <.05), indicating that all hypotheses were supported. The predictive power of the model was high. The explained variance of the effectiveness of sponshorship in purchasing intention for the products of Asia Pacific Telecom was 62%; the explained variance of the effectiveness of sponsorship in reputation and image for the sponsor Asia-Pacific Telecom was 49%. The empirical evidence supported the relationship model. In order to improve the effectiveness of sponsorship, the enhancement of the identification with the sponsor played a critical direct role. The audience's attitude toward the sponsorship played a mediating role while the audience's attitude toward the sporting event was an exogenous variable. Practical implications suggested that sponsors should carefully choose their target of a sporting event toward which potential customers have positive attitudes, might use social marketing to make the audience attribute positive quality to the sponsor, design integrated marketing activities to increase the audience's recognition with the sponsor, and raise visibility and image of the sponsor as the main goals of the sponsorship.
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