This research used Canonical Analysis to investigate the travel motivation and satisfaction of Taipei Zoo visitors and to analyze the need for future improvements. We find that: (1) The different characteristics of the tourists in motivation, expectations and satisfaction will be significantly different. (2) Travel motivation is mainly to get along with friends or family members to enhance emotion. (3) Visitors to the zoo to travel satisfaction is high, re-visit will also high, the zoo will take the initiative to publicize the benefits and recommend to friends and relatives. (4) Expectations and satisfaction, a high correlation between, and were highly correlated, indicating that the higher the expectations, satisfaction will be higher. (5) Tourism motivation and expectation; motivation and satisfaction were positively correlated. That is, the more intense tourist motivation, the expectations will be higher, satisfaction will be more satisfied. (6) The satisfaction of tourists and re-visit will have significant, indicating satisfaction will affect the willingness to re-visit.
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