


Research on the Correlation between the Job Pressure and the Health State of Public and Private Kindergarten Teachers




駱明潔(Ming-Jae Lo);林秀芬(Shiu-Fen Lin)


幼稚園教師 ; 規律運動習慣 ; 教師工作壓力 ; 教師健康情形 ; Kindergarten teacher ; Regular exercise habit ; Job pressure of teacher ; Health state of teacher




4卷1期(2012 / 12 / 01)


16 - 44






Recently, the ”fatigue” phenomena are frequently to see, and the issue of job pressure and health state is filled in the variety of industries, kindergarten teachers are no exception, too. Therefore, this study was to investigate the relevance of job pressure and health state of kindergarten teachers in Taichung County, using questionnaire survey to explore the way to self, ”Kindergarten teachers job pressure and health status of the questionnaire”, as the research tool, to survey 134 public and private kindergartens in Taichung County, issued 700 questionnaires and collected 502 valid questionnaires. The survey results were analyzed using various methods, including descriptive statistics, t-test, and Pearson correlation. The study conclusions and recommendations were as follows: The result shows that kindergarten teachers in Taichung County, ”job pressure” showed a moderate state, and the ”policy environment” was the greatest pressure of work. It was followe by ”workload”, ”compensation and benefits”, ”classroom teaching”, ”interpersonal relationships”. Generally speaking, the health state of the kindergarten teachers was medium to slightly above medium, and the ”interaction” (social health) was the best. It was followe by ”life adjustment” (social health), ”emotional” (mental health), and the ”discomfort” (physical health) was the last. Private and lack regular exercise habits of kindergarten teachers in job pressure was significantly higher than the public and regular exercise habits of kindergarten teachers. Public kindergarten teachers in the life adjustmen of the social health status were significantly better than private kindergarten teachers. Kindergarten teachers who have regular exercise habits, their health status of four subscales were significantly bettter than the lack regular exercise habits. In this study, teachers' job pressure and health status of teachers in the correlation studies, the results showed negative, which means greater pressure on the work of kindergarten teachers, the health status worse. Finally, based on the findings of this study, suggestions were provided to the related kindergarten teachers, kindergartens, and educational institutions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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