


A Correlational Study among Fatigue, Involvement and LOHAS-An Example of Yoga Learners in Pingtung Area


林世哲(Shih-Che Lin)


瑜珈 ; 疲倦 ; 涉入 ; 樂活 ; yoga ; fatigue ; involvement ; LOHAS




4卷2期(2013 / 06 / 30)


46 - 68




瑜珈是一種藉由體位法(Asans)鍛鍊和思想規範(八支精神)奉行的一種運動訓練,訓練層面包括身體、心智和靈性,概因其效果卓越,深受當前大眾青睞。本研究旨在探討瑜珈學員在涉入程度、疲勞和樂活之間的關聯表現,調查以屏東縣市大專院校學生和社區民眾為主要對象,計得170位受試作為分析樣本。透過結構方程模式SEM(Structural Equation Modeling)進行分析,研究結果顯示,整體的結構模式適合度良好,在變數的關係上,瑜珈學員之「涉入程度」會顯著正向影響其「疲勞程度」;學員「疲勞程度」則會顯著負向影響其「樂活程度」;學員「涉入程度」會顯著正向影響其「樂活程度」。最後研究建議後續可再針對不同地域、瑜珈種類和瑜珈八支精神..等進行比較研究。


Yoga is one of training exercises mainly based on eight limbs of yoga (yom, niyam, asan, pranayama, pratyahar, dharana, dhyan and Samadhi). Nowadays, there are numbers of people become yoga followers due to its great benefits for three dimensions of life – body, mind and spirits. The aim of this study is to explore the correlations among fatigue, enduring involvement and LOHAS. Data are collected from 170 subjects including students from higher educational institutions and adults from the communities in Pingutng area. The structural equation model (SEM) is employed as the method for data analysis. The results reveal that more enduring involvement obviously will increase the degree of fatigue, and positively enhance the degree of LOHAS.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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