


The Tourism Image of Bike Visitors at East Rift Valley


洪煌佳(Huang-Chia Hung);林慧敏(Hui-Min Lin)


花東縱谷 ; 自行車遊客 ; 再遊意願 ; 旅遊經驗 ; 旅遊意象 ; East Rift Valley ; bicycle visitors ; revisiting willingness ; tourism experience ; tourism image




5卷1期(2013 / 12 / 31)


17 - 39






Research usually used to analyze traveling image effects which influenced revisiting willingness of traveling experience. It was seldom to analyze revisiting willingness influenced by traveling experience. The study is to find causes and effects of service quality and eco-landscape about bicycle tourists at East Rift Valley. This study aequired 285 valid questionnaires from bicycle tourists. The data was analyzing by regression analysis. The results are as following: 1. Tourists of high school degree at East Rift Valley had the higher score of quality of service and of tourism image than tourists with bachelor's degree. 2. The valley-traveling-experienced tourists with higher income had better ecological scenery of tourism image. 3. The study proves that revisiting willingness of bicycle tourists at East Rift Valley influenced valley traveling experience. Valley traveling experience affects revisiting willingness positively. The study provides agencies with suggestions for traveling arrangements.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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