


A Study on BehavioralIntention of Sport Tourist for the National Disabled Games in Tainan


吳政隆(Cheng-Lung Wu);何篤光(Tu-Kuang Ho)


運動觀光 ; 全國身心障礙運動會 ; 計畫行為理論 ; sport tourism ; National Disabled Game ; theory of planned behavior




6卷1期(2015 / 06 / 30)


15 - 29






The main purpose of this study was to investigate the behavioral intention of sport tourists for the 2014 National Disabled Games in Tainanas the research object. Purposive sampling approach was employed and a total of 260 questionnaires were distributedwith a 100% rate of return. The 230 valid questionnaires were obtained with valid rate was 88.5%. The data were analyzed by using AMOS19.0.The findings show that: (1) subject norm has a significantly positive influence on behavioral intention; (2) attitudehas a significantly positive influence on behavioral intention; and (3) cognitive behavior has a significantly positive influence on behavioral intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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