


A Study on the Leisure Sports Participation Motivation to Junior High School Students of Truku Tribe


依仰.拿難(Iyang Nanang);任家荃(Jen chia-chuan);黃宏裕(Huang hung-yu)


太魯閣族 ; 休閒運動 ; 參與動機探討遊客參加郵輪 ; Truku Tribe ; recreational sports ; motivation of participation




7卷2期(2017 / 06 / 30)


1 - 13




本研究旨在瞭解太魯閣族中學生休閒運動參與動機之現況,以及探討不同背景變項之中學生休閒運動參與動機之差異性,以作為推廣休閒運動之參考。本文以花蓮縣秀林國中的學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料之蒐集與分析,問卷發放280份,回收問卷246份,有效問卷227份,回收率為88%。主要研究工具為『太魯閣族中學生休閒運動參與動機量表』。所得資料係以SPSS 19.0版套裝軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及LSD事後比較等統計分析,所得結果如下:由基本資料得知,父母親的教育程度上,太魯閣族的父母教育程度普遍集中在於國高中,父親教育程度國中38.8%、高中38.3%。母親教育程度國中42.7%、高中37.9%。休閒運動參與動機以社會健康需求中的參與休閒運動是為了認識新朋友方面,年級一年級比二年級和三年級的學生之平均值為高,因此在教育學習環境與生活經濟上的改善,才能讓太魯閣族中學們有多元化的學習接觸,進而產生更多對休閒運動參與的動機。不同居住地區、父母教育程度皆未達顯著差異。


This study aimed to understand the status of students leisure sports participation motivation in the TruKu Tribe, and to explore the different backgrounds of students leisure sports participation motivation of difference, as promoting recreational sports reference. Based shiu, Lin Junior High School Students on the Hualien County as research objects, by means of questionnaires for data collection and analysis, and issued 280 , questionnaires 246 questionnaires 227 with the recovery of 88%. Main research tool for the Students leisure sports participation motivation scale in the TruKu Tribe". The data to SPSS 19.0 package for descriptive statistics, one variation coefficient analyses and LSD, such as statistical analysis, the results are as follows: basic data, parents ' level of education, parents ' level of education generally focus on the country of the TruKu Tribe high school, father's level of education in the country 38.8%, high school 38.3%. Mother's level of education junior high 42.7%, high school 37.9%. Leisure sports participation motivation to participate in recreational sports in the community health needs in order to meet new friends, and First grade than second grade and third grade students of average to high, so learning environments in education and on the economic life of the improvement, to the TruKu Tribe high school has a wide range of contacts and, thus, more on leisure sports participation motivation. Different living areas, parents level of education is not a significant difference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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