


Volunteer Involvement, Recreation Experience and Recognition of Ecotourism: Case study of Er-Jen River, Kaohsiung


楊英欽(Joe Ying Chin Yang);陳嫣芬(Ien-Fen Chen)


志工參與 ; 遊憩體驗 ; 生態旅遊認知 ; Volunteer involvement ; recreation experience ; recognition of ecotourism




7卷2期(2017 / 06 / 30)


43 - 58






The study aims to examine the relationships among volunteer involvement, recreation experience and recognition of ecotourism in Er-Jen River, Kaohsiung. The on-site questionnaire survey was conducted during December 2014 and March 2015 for voluntary workers at Cie-Ding Boat Association in Kaohsiung. Results showed that over 87% of the respondents agreed that the experience of boat-riding in Er-Jen River would make them being aware of the importance of environmental conservation; around 82% of the respondents agreed that the government needed to provide budget for improving river-bank's environment; also about 82% of the respondents agreed that voluntary work would make them get close to the nature. Statistical analysis indicated that recreation experience had significant and positive influence on volunteer involvement and volunteer involvement would contribute to recognition of ecotourism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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