


Relationship between the Influence of Negative Dominant Personality, Self-Discipline Learning Behavior and Interpersonal Needs on Cyberbullying Behaviors in Primary School Children and Adolescents


顏妙如(Miao-Ju Yen)


人際需要 ; 自律學習行為 ; 網路霸凌行為 ; 負向支配性人格 ; cyberbullying ; interpersonal needs ; negative dominant personality ; self-disciplined learning behavior




9卷2期(2020 / 09 / 30)


1 - 23






This study used the 2017 National Science Council Xie Yiping's "Internet evil forces: a lot of research on young people's Internet bullying" research project database, for 853 students in the fifth grade and the first to third grade students in the study To understand the relationship and influence of negative dominant personality, self-discipline learning behavior and interpersonal needs on primary school children's and adolescents' cyberbullying behavior; and after statistical verification by structural equation model, the index display mode obtained by the overall model can be accepted. For the overall effect analysis, negative dominant personality and interpersonal needs have a direct impact on primary school children's and adolescents' cyberbullying behavior; interpersonal needs have a direct impact on self-discipline learning behavior. Negative dominant personality has an indirect impact on primary school children's and adolescents' cyberbullying behavior through self-discipline learning behavior and interpersonal needs. Interpersonal learning behavior has an indirect impact on primary school children's and adolescents' cyberbullying behavior through self-discipline learning behavior. Finally, the discussion and suggestions are proposed for the research analysis results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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