


Research on the Affecting Factors of Social Support, Role Stress, Self-efficiency, and Burnout of Sport Coaches


李政翰(Zheng-Han Li);張家銘(Chia-Ming Chang);侯堂盛(Tang-Sheng Ho)


社會支持 ; 自我效能 ; 角色壓力 ; 職業倦怠 ; Social Support ; Self-efficiency ; Role Stress ; Burnout




9卷2期(2020 / 09 / 30)


31 - 47




本研究主要目的在驗證專任運動教練的社會支持、角色壓力、自我效能與職業倦怠(簡稱SREB模式)之間的直接與間接關係。SREB模式在參數樣本上皆獲得合適的適配度。本研究以國內之正式合格之專任運動教練為對象,採隨機抽樣,有效樣本數為224份,研究工具包含社會支持、角色壓力、自我效能與工作倦怠等四份量表,所得資料主要SPSS 21.0與AMOS 21.0兩個統計軟體進行分析,主要研究發現如下:一、「社會支持」、「自我效能」、「角色壓力」對「職業倦怠」能產生顯著直接影響力。二、「社會支持」對「角色壓力」能產生顯著直接影響力。三、「社會支持」對「自我效能」能產生顯著直接影響力。四、「角色壓力」、「自我效能」在「社會支持」與「職業倦怠」之間,能產生顯著間接影響力。五、「角色壓力」、「自我效能」在「社會支持」與「職業倦怠」之間,能產生顯著雙中介間接影響力,但在間接影響力沒有差異。本研究發現國內的專任運動教練之社會支持程度愈高,角色壓力程度愈小,自我效能程度愈高,職業倦怠的程度愈小。


The main purpose of this research aims to verify the direct relation and indirect relation among social support, role stress, self-efficiency and burnout (SREB) of sport coaches. SREB model achieved a good fit on goodness of fit examination. The participants of present research were sport coaches obtained from random sampling. The research tools were social support scale, role stress scale, self-efficacy scale and job burnout scale; and the present research obtained 174 effective samples. Data collected in the present research was analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 21.0 statistical software. The major findings of the research are: 1. Social support, self-efficacy and role stress have direct and significant effect toward job burnout. 2. Social support has direct and significant effect toward role stress. 3. Social support has direct and significant effect toward self-efficacy. 4. Role stress and self-efficacy have indirect and significant effect between social support and job burnout. 5. Role stress and self-efficacy obtain a indirect and significant bi-medium effect between social support and job burnout. The present research concludes that the higher social support sport coaches receives the lower role stress they have; sport coacher with higher self-efficacy has lower level of job burnout.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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