


A Study on the Urban-Rural Differences form Learning Organization in the Elementary School


吳煥烘(Huan-Hung Wu);黃芳銘(Fang-Ming Hwang);張簡元崇(Wen-Chung Chang Chien)


學習型組織 ; 城鄉 ; 測量恆等性 ; 結構方程模式 ; learning organization ; urban-rural ; measurement invariance ; structural equation model




9卷2期(2020 / 09 / 30)


63 - 82






The purpose of this study was to develop an elementary school learning organization (LO) scale, and applied it to assess the relationship of LO between urban-rural elementary school. First, we verified this scale on structural equation model theory. Second, we analyzed the LO data of urban-rural school based on measurement invariance theory, we also examine the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) test. We try to find out the differential between urban-rural learning organization. These are two major methods in this research, First, we exploited literature analysis to study the related researches, to be our research cornerstone. Second, we developed an "Element School Learning Organization Questionnaire" to collect the source data concerning the status of LO of urban-rural elementary school. We have 690 participants are all come from 138 public elementary school. And we analyzed 552 valuable questionnaires by sampling the participants. The result of statistic analysis, literature analysis, and questionnaire are depicted as follow: 1. There are four potential variables and thirteen observed variables in the LO model of elementary school. Potential variables are mental model, team learning, system thinking, personal mastery. Observed variables are anti think, poll, fictile ensemble picture, teaching consider lead, team of LO, curriculum development, fellowship and conversational, ensemble school administration carry on, integrate administration occupation, crisis management, ego learn, confront with true fact, ego aspiration. 2. The detail test of urban-rural invariance are described as follow: A. There is a crisis management variable in factor loading no invariance. B. There are team of LO, and curriculum development variables in intercept no invariance. C. There are fictile ensemble picture, curriculum development, fellowship and conversational, confront with true fact, ego aspiration variables in disturbance no invariance. D. There are team learning, system thinking variables in factor variance no invariance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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