The present study aimed to inspect the correlations and predictions and paths among training workaholism, health promoting lifestyle, and quality of life in collegiate athletes. The research sample of present study were 492 collegiate athletes and given training workaholism scale, health promoting lifestyle scale, and quality of life scale. Data collected in the present research were analyzed through canonical correlation, multiple stepwise regression and hierarchical regression. The major findings of the present study are: 1. The present study discovered that the correlation between collegiate athletes and all aspects of training workaholism and health promoting lifestyle achieved significance; collegiate athletes formed a significant correlation with all aspects of training workaholism and quality of life; collegiate athletes achieved significance in the correlation with all aspects of quality of life and health promoting lifestyle. 2. The present research discovered that in collegiate athletes' prediction of training workaholism and health promoting lifestyle toward quality of life, the "self-actualization" aspect obtains the best predictability; training input, training fun, interpersonal and stress and self-actualization reveal a great predictability as well a significant and direct effect. The present study further discovered that Interpersonal and stress and self-actualization obtain a reliable, partial medium effect between training workaholism and quality of life.
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