


Effects of the Healthy Physical Fitness for the Elderly in Community Care Sites Based on an Ecological Model


林恩賜(En-Szu Lin);程瑞福(Jui-Fu Chen)


生態學模式 ; 健康體適能 ; 關懷據點 ; 老化 ; 社區 ; ecological model ; healthy physical fitness ; care site ; aging ; community




11卷2期(2022 / 09 / 30)


14 - 28






Population aging has become a global trend in the 21st century, and Taiwan's aging phenomenon has become more and more obvious in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence the healthy physical fitness of the elderly by using the exercise curriculum project of community care sites based on an ecological model. To construct the basic image concept of the perceptual ability of various aspects of healthy physical fitness of the elderly, this research adopts the qualitative research method to analyze and summarize the content by means of document analysis, diary, observation method, in-depth interview, field observation, focus group discussion, triangulation test method, grounded theory and other data. 5 people are selected from the staff of the Ganxi Community Care Site in Jiutong Township, Yunlin County Five perceptual ability aspects of healthy physical fitness have been improved, such as cardiopulmonary function (less breathable), muscle strength(easier to stand up), muscle endurance(stand longer), flexibility(come down and hug grandson easily) and body composition(pants are loose). Introducing a 12-week multi-exercise course through the ecological model, which indeed promotes the healthy physical fitness perception ability of the elderly. The improvement of the five perceptual image abilities is able to improve the individual self-esteem and quality of life of the elderly. By improving the health status of the elderly, a positive impact on physical fitness can be created. It is necessary and urgent to improve the healthy physical fitness and physical self-perception ability of the diversified exercise curriculum plan of the ecological model. The researches on community care sites should continuously be supported and paid attention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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