This study aimed to explore the brand image, perceived value, and customer loyalty of chain pharmacies in southern Taiwan; SPSS 20.1 and AMOS 20.1 were used to further analyze and discuss the structure of this study. The purposive sampling method was adopted to distribute the questionnaires, and customers of chain pharmacies in southern Taiwan were selected as the subjects of this study. Among the 350 participants, a total of 320 questionnaires were collected. After deducting the invalid questionnaires, 320 valid questionnaires were obtained for the return rate of 91.4%. Data of this study were processed and analyzed by descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test, and structural equation model analysis. The results indicate that: 1) There was a significant difference in customer loyalty based on different factors of gender, age, marital status, and educational level; 2) "Brand Image" had a significant positive influence on "Perceived Value"; 3) "Brand Image" had a significant positive influence on "Customer Loyalty"; and 4) "Perceived Value" had a significant positive influence on "Customer Loyalty". It is expected that the results of this study can provide a meaningful reference for pharmacy running in the future.
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