








2007年度(2007 / 05 / 19)


97 - 97



主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
  1. Beckwith, M. E.,Gilster, S. D.(1997).The paradise garden: A model garden design for those with Alzheimer's disease.Activities, Adaptation & Aging,22(1/2),3-16.
  2. Gigliotti, C. M.,Jarrott, S. E.(2004).From the gardento the table: Evaluation of a Dementia-specifict HT program.Acta Hort,639,139-144.
  3. Gigliotti, C. M.,Jarrott, S. E.(2005).Effect of Horticulture Therapy on Engagement and Affect.Canadian Journal on Aging,24(4),367-377.
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  5. Kim, H. Y.,Cho, M. K.,Han, I. J.,Kim, J. S.(2004).Effect of horticultural therapy on the community consciousness and life satisfaction of elderly individuals.Acta Hort,639,159-165.
  6. McGuire, D. L.(1997).Implementing horticultural therapy into a geriatric long-term care facility.Activities, Adaptation & Aging,22(1/2),61-80.
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  9. Powell, L.,Felce, D.,Jenkins, J.,Lunt, B.(1979).Increasing engagement in a home for the elderly by providing an indoor gardening activity.Behavioural Research and Therapy,17,127-135.
  10. Rappe, E.(2005).Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki.
  11. Relf, P. D.(1973).Horticulture: A therapeutic tool.Journal of Rehabilitation,39(1),27-29.
  12. Relf, P. D.(2005).The therapeutic values of plants.Pediatric Rehabilitation,8(3),235-237.
  13. Relf, P. D.,Dorn, S.(1995).Horticulture: meeting the needs of special populations.HortTechnology,5,94-103.
  14. Smith, D. J.,McCallion, P.(1997).Alleviating stress for family caregiver of frail elders using horticultural therapy.Activities, Adaptation & Aging,22(1/2),93-105.
  15. Soderback, I.,Soderstrom, M.,Schalander, E.(2004).Horticultural therapy: The 'healing garden' and gardening in rehabilitation measures at Danderyd Hospital Rehabilitation Clinic, Sweden. Pediatric.Rehabilitation,7(4),245-260.
  16. Son, K. C.,Um, S. J.,Kim, S. Y.,Song, J. E.,Kwack, H. R.(2004).Effect of horticultural therapy on the changes of self-esteem and sociality of individual with chronic schizophrenia.Acta Hort,639,185-191.
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  18. 中華民國89年臺灣地區老人狀況調查報告
  19. 96年第14週95年底老人長期照護、養護、及安養機構概況
  20. 張建隆(2006)。臺北市,國立臺灣大學。
  1. 陳一涵、胡凱揚(2018)。老年人療癒性休閒之身體活動在健康促進的運用。大專體育,147,31-41。
  2. 黃惠娟,張秀如,王麗華(2015)。社區慢性失能族群之心理健康促進。護理雜誌,62(4),34-40。
  3. 簡鴻儒、謝煒峰(2015)。園藝治療活動對於促進長期照顧機構住民身心健康之研究。明新學報,41(1),135-154。
  4. 林俊德(2012)。園藝治療(Horticulture Therapy)活動在老人諮商實務上的應用。諮商與輔導,315,39-47。
  5. 林俊德(2018)。賦能量表之編製及其於高齡者園藝治療團體之應用。彰化師大教育學報,33&34,73-97。
  6. 林俊德、江璇(2012)。融入團體操作之園藝治療活動對安養中心老人之成效觀察。國立臺中科技大學通識教育學報,1,195-205。
  7. 歐聖榮、紀芬蓮、周先捷(2016)。園藝治療效益評估量表建置。造園景觀學報,21(2),1-23。
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