


The Research of Mainland Chinese Tourists on Package Tour in Taiwan




陳墀吉(Chr-Ji Chen);李奇嶽(Chi-Yuen Lee)


大陸人士來台 ; 台灣觀光 ; 套裝行程 ; 重視表現程度分析法 ; Chinese Tourists ; Taiwan Tourism ; Importance-Performance Analysis ; Package Tour




2008年度(2008 / 05 / 01)


254 - 273




自開放大陸地區人民來台觀光以來,市場前景一片看好,大陸觀光客的觀光消費是旅遊業未來的一大契機,本研究之目的如下:1.瞭解來台大陸觀光客人口特性統計與旅遊屬性。2.探討大陸來台觀光客對現行套裝旅遊產品內容的滿意度及重視度。3.探討大陸來台觀光客之人口統計變項及旅遊屬性與現行套裝旅遊產品的滿意度及重視度之差異性及相關性。4.運用「重視表現程度分析法」(IPA)分析現行接待大陸來台旅客套裝旅遊產品的修正方向,供學界及產業界做爲參考,並期許未來能有新的願景。 本研究調查地點於桃園機場出境大廳針對以觀光爲目的之第二類大陸觀光客採用封閉式問卷進行逢機抽樣調查,回收有效問卷總計503份,資料分析方法包含敘述性統計、信度分析、Person相關性分析、單因子變異數分析、IPA分析法等。經由分析得到下列結果: 1.大陸觀光客受訪者多爲與同事或朋友一同來台,以第一次來台者居多,且普遍爲高收入及高學歷者,顯示目前客群爲高社經背景,團費價格則呈現高低兩極化現象,多半經由菲律賓及泰國來台。 2.大陸觀光客受訪者對套裝旅遊產品在重視度上較高,滿意度卻相對偏低,顯示整體服務並未能符合或超越他們的預期。在個別項目的重視度上以交通工具與住宿環境較高,而在滿意度上則以交通工具與導遊人員較高,然而餐飲與自費活動無論是重視度或滿意度均位於末位。 3.大陸觀光客受訪者以商業服務業、居住華北華東地區、同團人數在7-15人者對套裝旅遊產品之整體重視度較爲重視,並以來台前停留菲律賓者對套裝旅遊產品整體滿意度較高。 4.以IPA分析後發現,在導遊人員、交通工具、住宿環境、景點內容構面上應繼續保持品質,在餐飲及自費活動上則需要做改進,各景點的休息設施過多應檢討行程內容做調整,在餐廳清潔問題上則需立即改善。


The perspective of tourism is spectacular after opening Chinese tourists up to Taiwan, the consumption of them is the opportunity for tourism in the future. This study focuses on the demographics and traveling character, explored their attention and satisfaction on current package tours, the correlation and discrepancy between these variables as well. An Importance-Performance Analysis as employed in the research, and the findings contribute to the literature and tourism industry, looking forward to new stage. Of the returned questionnaires from Chinese tourists at Taoyuan International Airport, 503 were valid and usable. Descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA, and IPA analysis etc. were conducted in the study, and the conclusion is as below: 1. Most participants first came to Taiwan with their colleagues and friends, that generally with high income and fine education. It revealed that most of them come from a great background, the cost of traveling is in polarization, and they came to Taiwan by way of Philippines and Thailand. 2. The participants have much attention to tour packages, whereas having low satisfaction. It showed that the entire service is not able to meet with or surpass in expectation. They thought highly of transportation and accommodation, and satisfied with transportation and tour guide. However, the attention and satisfaction of F & B and optional activities are very low. 3. The entire attention on package tours, that commercial service industry, residence in north and eastern China, and group members 7~15 are relatively higher. The entire satisfaction of staying country before coming Taiwan on package tours, that Philippines is better. 4. After IPA analyzed, we found that the quality of tour guide, transportation, accommodation, and scenic spots should be maintained. The F & B and optional activities should be improved, too many resting facilities of scenic spots in traveling should be organized, and the sanitary of restaurants must be improved immediately.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 交通運輸工程