


A Study of Local Tourism Resource Planning-Example of Liuchiu Township




陳智珉(Chih-Ming Chen);徐續文(Shu-Wen Shu)


地方觀光產業 ; 小琉球 ; 觀光資源 ; Local Tourism ; Liuchiu township ; Tourism Resource




2008年度(2008 / 05 / 01)


99 - 110




地方觀光產業的發展,礙於每個地區獨特的屬性,都須對當地歷史背景與環境概況、經濟、社會文化等層面的資源供給給予合宜考量。小琉球素有「海上公園」之稱,是台灣唯一的珊瑚島嶼,風景優美的熱帶島嶼,具有豐富的海岸資源及變化多端的海底景觀,擁有世界級的海洋資源;而島上的人文景觀也不可小覷,全島共計七十多座廟宇,建廟率達每平方公里即有五座以上,每三年的迎王爺活動更是遠近馳名,亦可和東港王船祭媲美。另外,島上因防範共軍侵台,在此搭設軍事基地亦成爲觀光客的遊憩好去處。然在觀光競爭環境日趨激烈,小琉球之觀光產品不僅面對強勁市場競爭,而且觀光開發對當地生態環境之潛在影響亦值得重視。本研究以小琉球爲例,主要探討呼應小琉球一地資源特色與發展條件,並呼應應以永續概念爲原則。 本研究主要爲經由對小琉球當地文化和環境特質,及其對觀光發展現況進行分析。本研究採文獻分析法,根據Kotler et al. (2006)所界定之觀光目的地行銷策略原則,分析小琉球在擁有豐富觀光資源的潛力中,如何成爲具有競爭力的地方產業。本研究將小琉球之觀光資源作一整體面的調查與分類,供給觀光地發展行銷使用,進而達到最大效益。 另外透過文獻分析後發現,在遊憩承載量的容許下,小琉球不僅可發展海洋觀光,還可將觸角延伸至生態觀光、軍事觀光以從事教育目的、宗教觀光以從事文化之旅,以滿足現今遊客多種好奇的心理,及一島玩到底的多種觀光型態體驗。目前小琉球已規劃在大鵬灣國家級風景區之內,係透過觀光資源的整合,行銷手法的推波助瀾,讓小琉球美好的觀光意象植入遊客心中,小琉球的美景和現有觀光資源將可推銷至各地。


The development of the local tourism industry, because of the unique attributes of each area have to be on the local historical background and environmental profiles, economic, social and cultural dimensions of appropriate resources to supply considerations. Liuchiu township known as ”marine park”, It is a only coral island in Taiwan, the scenic tropical island, a rich variety of marine resources and the seabed landscape, a world-class marine resources and the human landscape on the island also not to be underestimated, and the island over 70 Total Block temples, The built temples rate of per square km that are more than five. the activity ”Greet with God ” is famous triennial, and it can comparable to ”Burning of the Plague God Boat at Donggang”. In addition, to prevent the military invasion of Taiwan, It erection military bases has become a tourist place of recreation. However, in the increasingly fierce competitive environment tourism, the Tourism Product Liuchiu township not only face strong competition in the market, but also the development of tourism on the local ecological environment of the potential impact it deserves attention. In this study, take Liuchiu township for example, a major study echoes Liuchiu township resources characteristics and the conditions for development, and should be echoed to the concept of sustainable principles. The purpose of this study was to analysis of the local cultural and environmental characteristics, and the status of tourism development in Liuchiu.. In this study, the tourism resources for a total of the investigation and classification, to develop tourism marketing supply use and achieve maximum efficiency. In addition, through analysis of the literature found in the open carrying of permit, Liuchiu township not only can be develop the marine tourism, but also can be extending to the ecological sightseeing, tourism to the military engaged in educational purposes, religious tourism to engage in cultural tours to meet today many curious tourists psychological, and an island in the end play a variety of tourist patterns experience. Liuchiu township currently planned in the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area, the Department of Tourism through the integration of resources, marketing tactics to stir up trouble, let the beautiful imagery implantation tourists sightseeing hearts. The landscape in Liuchiu township and the existing tourist resources will be able to sell around.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
工程學 > 交通運輸工程