


Experience Marketing, Experience Value and Purchase Intention: A Case Study of the the IKEA




張朝旭(Joshua C. Chang);洪毓謙(Yu-Cian Hong)


體驗行銷 ; 品牌形象 ; 顧客滿意度 ; IKEA ; Experience Marketing ; Brand Image ; Customer Satisfaction ; IKEA




第十六屆(2018 / 11 / 01)


871 - 881






Experience marketing has become a trend in recent years, and people's consumption patterns have gradually changed. Today's consumers are no longer paying attention to the characteristics, functions, and quality of products, but the consumer experience they feel during the consumption process. Brand image is also very important for consumers' shopping decisions. When consumers personally experience and interact with them, they will understand more about the significance of the brand image and enhance consumers' willingness to buy.IKEA has always used the experience of marketing methods, different from other furniture stores, breaking through the traditional marketing techniques, stress is no longer just to emphasize the function of the furniture itself, but combined with the experience of marketing techniques, so that consumers personally Experience and feel the atmosphere of the moment. It is adopted at the exit of the IKEA with random interviews and questionnaire surveys, which were measured using Likert's five-point scale.The results will be analyzed to improve practical application. Based on the conclusion of the study, recommendations are presented for business operators and future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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