Background: Critical care nurses must often care for patients who are dying and their families. Thus, understanding the self-efficacy and life attitudes of nursing staff in the ICU in response to death is important to the development and provision of relevant education and training. Purpose: This study was designed to explore the self-efficacy of ICU nurses in response to death and related predictive factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional research study. The subjects were 216 nurses in the adult ICU of a medical center in northern Taiwan. The research tools used included the death coping self-efficacy scale and the life attitude scale. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. Result: The results showed: 1. In terms of death coping self-efficacy, the mean score was 112.0 ± 14.3, with the highest scoring subscale, hospice care, earning a mean score of 51.1 ± 6.3. In terms of life attitude, the mean score was 128.9 ± 13.8, with the highest scoring subscale, life autonomy, earning a mean score of 24.0 ± 3.2. 2. Nurses with experiences of withdrawal of life support had better coping efficacy (t = 1.94, p = .05) and those with a graduate degree or above earned a better average life attitude score than those educated to the university / junior college level. 3. Age and ICU seniority were found to correlate positively with grief-related coping skills (r = .241- .315), with the life-attitude subscales of aspiring, life-autonomy, love, and caring showing positive correlations with death coping self-efficacy (r = .138- .482). 4. The predictors found in this study for death coping self-efficacy were age, aspiring, life-autonomy, love, and caring, with a total explained variance of 30.1% (F = 12.78, p < .001). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that education level and having hospice care experience are both significant predictors of life attitude in ICU nurses, which is a factor that is known to affect self-efficacy in response to death. Life attitude and hospice care training programs for ICU nurses should be promoted to foster positive life attitudes and thereby enhance self-efficacy in response to death to improve the quality of intensive clinical care.
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