Many different patient-centered care models have been promoted around the world in recent years. The goal of current nursing innovation includes simplifying nursing workflows, constructing creative care methods, developing innovative assistive devices, activating the workplace, and improving care quality. In addition to enhancing the ability of nurses to care for the sick, employ critical thinking, improve their information literacy, and deepen their research knowledge, innovative attitudes and R&D momentum represent new trends in nursing education and talent cultivation. In nursing education worldwide, including both in-school education and clinical in-service training, innovative courses, projects, and competitions as well as corresponding academic seminars have been launched with the intention to promote practical creativity and innovative solutions. The definition of design thinking is first introduced and the Stanford University's design thinking model is next explained. The five stages of the design thinking model - empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test - are then introduced. Finally, using the innovative nursing product as an example, the teacher-student team is proposed as the design thinking mentorship model. The authors hope that this article serves as a reference for novice educators, developers, and researchers in the field of nursing innovation.
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