


The Effect of Shared Mental Model on Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Investigating the Moderating Effects of Personality Trait and Personality Similarity between Team Members




沈其泰(Chi-Tai Shen);黃敏萍(Min-Ping Huang);鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng)


共享心智模式 ; 知識分享 ; 團隊組成 ; 性格特質 ; 性格相似 ; Shared Mental Model ; Knowledge Sharing ; Team Composition ; Personality Trait ; Personality Similarity




21卷5期(2004 / 10 / 01)


553 - 570




本研究的目的在探討團隊內共享心智模式對成員知識分享行為之影響,並分析成員性格特質與成員之間的性格相似性之調節效果。研究對象為台灣資訊與科技產業之研發團隊與新產品開發團隊,以社會網絡法來蒐集資料,即每位成員針對其他團隊成員來填答問卷,以蒐集整體團隊之資料。總共蒐集了42個團隊、243位成員之樣本資料,並進一步將資料轉換為1334筆對偶資料,進行對偶層次之分析。研究結果顯示:(1) 團隊成員間之共享心智模式對知識分享具有正向的影響效果;(2) 成員性格特質對於共享心智模式與知識分享之關係具有調節效果:當知識傳遞者具有高敬業性或高外向性之性格特質時,共享心智模式的效果特別顯著;(3) 成員性格特質與成員間的性格相似性所存在的互動效果,對於共享心智模式與知識分享之關係具有調節作用:以敬業性而言,當知識傳遞者與知識接收者同時具有高敬業性格時,共享心智模式對知識分享之效果特別顯著;以外向性而言,當知識傳遞者具有高外向性格,而知識接收者具有低外向性格時,共享心智模式對知識分享之效果反而最為顯著。最後,討論了本研究結果對於團隊組成與團隊動力(team dynamics)的涵義,以及其對團隊管理所提供的實務參考價值。


This study aims to investigate how the shared mental model between team members can have influences on team members’ knowledge sharing behaviors. It also aims to examine how the relationship between shared mental model and knowledge sharing can be moderated by personality trait and personality similarity between team members. We administered network questionnaires to collect full network data of the whole team. Totally 243 samples from 42 research and development teams (including R&D and NPD teams) in Taiwan’s informational technology industries were collected. Furthermore, in order to facilitate dyadic level analysis, we transferred our data into 1334 dyadic data sets to test the hypotheses. Results show that, first, the shared mental model between team members has positive effect on knowledge sharing behaviors. Second, when considering the knowledge sharer’s personalities, both of conscientiousness and extroversion are found to have positive moderating effects on such relationship. Moreover, it’s also found that there are complicated interaction effects between team members’ personality trait and personality similarity. In detail, only when the knowledge sharer has a high conscientious personality and the knowledge receiver has a similar personality with him, then personality similarity between these two members plays as a positive moderator for the shared mental model. On the other hand, in terms of the extroverted personality, the personality similarity is found to have a negative moderating effect, only when the knowledge sharer has a high extroverted personality but the knowledge receiver has no similar personality. Implications for future research on team composition and team dynamics are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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