


The Impacts of Experiential and Vicarious Learning on the Hazard Rates of Sequential M&As: An Empirical Study on Taiwanese Listed Manufacturing Industries




曾真真(Jen-Jen Tseng)


再併購 ; 經驗學習 ; 替代性學習 ; Sequential M&A ; Experiential Learning ; Vicarious Learning




27卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


39 - 55






Organizational learning theory asserts that organizational experiences will affect future decision-making. However, learning from own experience, firms tend to be constrained by strategic schemas, show rigidity of existing routines, and lose strategic flexibility. Comparatively, imitating other firms, managers can gather information by observing the behaviors of other firms. That can help them to understand what is in the best interest of their firms. Therefore, facing with uncertain strategic choices and outcomes, managers will imitate their peer organizations. In other words, a firm can gain relevant knowledge from other organizations by imitating their M&A decisions, which can be used as the sources of vicarious learning. In addition, performance outcomes such as success and failure provide different feedbacks that will affect sequential decision-making. Recently, researchers have begun to examine the learning impacts of various experiential features. Hence, this study will follow this stream and aim to explore the impacts of differential experiences on the sequential M&A decisions. This study attempts to provide in ore insights into the impact of experiential and vicarious learning on the likelihood of sequential M&A activities. The Cox proportional hazard model is adopted to lest the impacts of different modes of learning on hazard rates of sequential M&A decision. The results show that both firm's past success M&A experience and the frequency of M&A activities in a firm's industry will have an inversed U-shaped relationship with the hazard rate of sequential M&As. in addition, it is found that there is a negative relationship between a firm's previous M&A performances and the hazard rates of sequential M&As.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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