


Action-Oriented Entrepreneurship: Representation of Entrepreneurial Experience on CAS Perspective




蔡敦浩(Dun-Hou Tsai);林韶怡(Shao-Yi Lin);利尚仁(Shang-Jen Li)


複雜調適系統 ; 創業管理 ; 敘說探究 ; 創業歷程 ; Entrepreneurship ; Complexity Adaptive System ; Narrative Inquiry ; Entrepreneurial Process




27卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


57 - 73




過去的創業研究大多屬於靜態、片面、單一層次的分析,研究方法也多以邏輯實證論為主,然而創業本非獨立事件的總和,而是一連串人、事、時、地、物的動態連結,具有連續與互動兩大特質。如果我們將創業歷程視為一動經驗的形式,創業研究便是一種創業經驗的再現,在此觀點下,本研究嘗試透過對經驗的詮釋與分析瞭解創業歷程。在研究觀點上,採用復雜科學理論的動態觀點,將創業視為一種歷程加以詮釋:在研究方法上,使用詮釋取徑的敘說探究法來撰寫月津文史發展協會的創業故事,並加入研究者的反思,不斷與個案對話,最後發展出三段創業故事:「創業的第一步」、「創業歷程的演化」、「故事中的故事:懷舊與想像」。 本研究透過複雜系統的隱喻來詮釋創業歷程,發現創業歷程的發生並非來自完善的創計畫或創業機會,而是創業者願意採取行動導向,先促使「創業」發生,再透過結合資源之方進行連續的動態調整,讓組織得以與周邊條件配適,進而在混沌的環境中生存,是一種「行動導向」的創業歷程,為創業歷程相關研究提供更動態的整合觀點。除此之外,本研究更發現創業者的可巧妙運用敘說的力量將自己的創業理念一亦即願景一完整地傳遞出去,透過增強他人的認同來改變周邊環境條件。最後,我們在研究方法上也有新的突破,採用敘說探究研究法來進行創業研究,從研究者與研究對象的互動中探索真實與意義,彌補過去創業研究流於單向與片斷的缺點,為創業研究帶來不同的啟發。


In the past, most researchers used to adopt logic positivism in entrepreneurship studies so that they were constructed on static, unilateral, and one-level perspectives that could not describe the dynamic process of entrepreneurship. In this paper we avoid following such paradigm and turn our interests to entrepreneurial experience. We intend to use a more radical and novel methodology to reveal the nature of entrepreneurship, namely, its dynamics and complexity. Therefore, we take a new perspective on entrepreneurship to view the narrative of entrepreneurship as a representation of experience. We advocate learning from entrepreneurs' experience rather than generalized models. As a result, we adopt the complexity adaptive system (CAS) as a new theoretical perspective and narrative inquiry as afresh methodology. This way, entrepreneurship is viewed as a dynamic process. All accounts are arranged in three stories: ”The first step in entrepreneurship.” ”Evolution of entrepreneurial process” and ”Story within the story: nostalgia and fantasy of Yan-shuei.” Through the lens of CAS, this research exemplifies that successful entrepreneurship is simply not the result of perfect planning in advance or opportunity identification but an action-oriented project. Entrepreneurs should conduct a series of actions in chaotic environment and utilize storytelling to convince people to get involved in their business. With these metaphors, this research attempts to inspire entrepreneurs and make their entrepreneurship prosper. Another contribution of this research is the application of narrative inquiry in entrepreneurs hip research. Narrative inquiry seeks the meanings beneath the surface of events through the interactions between researchers and interviewees. This novel methodology can fill the gaps created by previous entrepreneurship researches which focus on one-level analysis and bring about new research interpretations and managerial implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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