


Empirical Examination of Transformational Leadership Effects on Service Quality: The Application of Moderated Path Analysis




賴鳳儀(Fong-Yi Lai);林鉦棽(Cheng-Chen Timothy Lin);錢書華(Michael S. Chien)


轉化領導 ; 服務品質 ; 主管支持知覺 ; 幽默 ; 調節式路徑分析 ; Transformational Leadership ; Service Quality ; Perception of Supervisor Support ; Humor ; Moderated Path Analysis




27卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


169 - 184




基於轉化領導組織研究的重要意涵,以及在服務業的場域之中轉化領導的效果所知仍屬有限,我們在本文中針對此一研究缺口進行探討。具體而言,以社會換理論的概念為基礎,我們驗證四個假說,假說一是轉化領導是否直接地影響顧客所知覺的服務品質。假說二是轉化領導是否透過主管支持知覺而間接地影響顧客對於服務人員服務品質的知覺。另外,由於在服務業中,學者也發現轉化領導對相關後果變項的預測力並未如預期般顯著,因此在依隨學者的後續研究建議下,我們引入主管使用幽默做為調節變項,假說三分析主管使用幽默對於轉化領導與主管支持之間的調節效果。假說四是則是分析主管使用幽默在轉化領導的調節效果透過主管支持知覺的中介作用而影響服務品質。藉由251位服務人員與1072位接受他(她)直接服務的顧客的配對資料,並引用Edwards及Lambert(2007)所發展的調節式路徑分析法(moderated path analysis),我們發現本研究所提出的四個假說皆得到實徵上的支持。針對研究結果,我們分別對學術與實務提出一些意見以供參考。


Leadership has long been one of the important academic phenomena in organizational behavior research. Among the leadership research, one local attention has given to transformational leadership and its effectiveness. However, there are still limited understanding on transformational leadership in the settings of service industries. The issues addressed by the present study intend to enhance understandings of leadership in the service context. Based on perspectives of social exchange theory, we proposed and tested the following research hypotheses: the direct effect of transformational leadership on customers' perception of service quality, the mediating role of perception of supervisor support in the foresaid relationship, the moderating role of supervisor s humor in the relationship between transformational leadership and perception of supervisor s support, and the mediated-moderation of humor on the relationships among transformational leadership, perception of supervisor support, and service quality. Dyadic sampling from 251 service employees and 1072 customers, we tested the hypotheses by using hierarchical regression and Edwards and Lambert's (2007) moderated path analysis. The results indicated all the research hypotheses were supported. Base on the research findings, academic and practical suggestions and implications were offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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