
"International English Big-Five Mini-Markers"之繁體中文版量表發展


International English Big-Five Mini-Markers: Development of the Traditional Chinese Version




鄧景宜(Ching-I Teng);曾旭民(Hsu-Min Tseng);李怡禎(I-Chen Li);游朝舜(Chao-Shun Yu)


五大人格特質 ; Mini-Markers ; 人格特質 ; 量表發展 ; 繁體中文 ; Big-Five ; Mini-Markers ; Personality ; Scale Development ; Traditional Chinese




28卷6期(2011 / 12 / 01)


579 - 615




立基於Saucier(1994)的Mini-Markers量表,Thompson(2008)使用多國背景樣本發展出具有短時間內穩定性、明確因素結構、及更高量表內部一致性的國際英文版(International English)Big-Five Mini-Markers人格特質量表,然而現今仍未有該量表繁體中文版的相關翻譯及發展的研究。本研究邀請國內專家學者進行量表「前譯」及「回譯」的工作,將Thompson(2008)的國際英文版Big-Five Mini-Markers(40題),每一個英文問像翻出一組(兩個)中文形容詞,共翻譯出繁體中文版量表(I)(80題),再經由:「專家審視」及「放聲思考」過程步驟,依據提供的意見將繁體中文量表(I),修改成繁體中文量表(II)(80題)。本研究以370位管理學院大學部及研究所學生作為施測樣本,將每組(兩個)中文形容詞挑選出「分項與總和的相關」(ICT, item-total correlation)值較高者,篩選出繁體中文版量表(III)(40題)─A版,其餘則作為其平行量表(parallel form):繁體中文版量表(III)─B版。本研究使用確認性因素分析,結果顯示本研究所發展的量表具有可接受的心理計量品質,並透過間隔一個月的重測信度檢測,結果本研究亦具有可接受的量表穩定性。此外,該量表亦顯示可接受的準則效度。本研究發展的國際英文版Big-Five Mini-Markers-繁體中文版量表,提供管理者更合適、易用的繁體中文版人格特質測量工具,節省過去實務管理應用上時間及成本的耗費,有助於應用在人力資源管理、醫療照護管理、行銷策略應用等營運管理場域上,調查員工與顧客的人格特質,以能夠將諸多社會心理學中人格特質的研究成果應用在管理實務上。


Based on Saucier's (1994) Big-Five Mini-Markers scale, Thompson (2008) used a multinational sample to develop the ”International English Big-Five Mini-Markers: The Traditional Chinese Version”. This study invited expert to do the ”forward translation” and ”backward translation” processes that translate Thompson (2008) ”International English Big-Five Mini-Markers (40 items)” into Chinese version (I) (80 items) in which each English item was translated into two Chinese items. Furthermore, ”expert review” and ”think-aloud” were used to revise it into Chinese version (II) (80 items). This study sampled graduates and undergraduates of Chang Gung University for selecting the items with higher ITC (item-total correlation) values than their counterparts in pairs of items, creating the Chinese version (III) (40 items)-A from, and develop a parallel form: the Chinese version (III) (40 items)-B form. In confirmatory factor analysis, the Chinese version (III)-A form performed acceptable in psychometric properties. Furthermore, this scale exhibited sufficient test-retest reliability one month after the initial study. Eventually, this scale also displayed acceptable predictive validity. The ”International English Big-Five Mini-Markers: The Traditional Chinese Version” developed by this study can be applied to studies and practices in multiple disciplines, including Human Resource Management, Health Care Management, Marketing Strategy, and Business Management. This scale is a valid and convenient tool which helps managers to assess the personalities of their employees and customers, enabling them to apply personality knowledge to their practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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