


Testing Mediation in Organizational Research: Origins, Challenges, Research Design, and Analysis




林鉦棽(Timothy Cheng-Chen Lin);彭台光(T. K. Peng)


中介變項 ; 中介模式 ; 研究設計 ; 統計分析程序 ; Mediator ; Mediation Model ; Research Design ; Analytic Procedure




29卷4期(2012 / 08 / 01)


333 - 354






Despite that testing mediation has been prevalent in organizational research for decades, there remain much confusion in theories, concepts, and analytical practices. This study highlights and comments on existing discourses that span 80 years in different literatures and presents them in four sections. First, we traced hack the origins of mediation research in psychology in the 1930s and in sociology in the 1950s and linked the discourses to the present. Second, we summarized the major challenges to the most frequently used concepts and methods introduced in the Baron and Kenny (1986) study. Third, we proposed research design issues pertaining to mediation testing. Finally, we highlighted five types of fundamental mediation models and discussed the pros and cons of various analytical techniques in testing these models. This study hopes to serve as a useful guide for mediation researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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