


The Impacts of Salespeople's Goal Orientation and Perceived Customer Demandingness on Customer-Oriented and Sales-Oriented Selling




陳嵩(Song Chen)


目標導向 ; 知覺顧客嚴苛度 ; 顧客導向 ; 販售導向 ; goal orientation ; perceived customer demandingness ; customer orientation ; sales orientation




31卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


63 - 87






The practice of customer-oriented (CO) selling has been identified as a key role in both building long-term customer relationships and implementing a company s market-oriented strategy. However; compared with the traditional sales-oriented (SO) selling, CO selling requires greater expenditure of effort by the salesperson in customer-related interactions. Consequently, understanding the antecedents of co and SO selling, and in turn effectively managing salespeople s customer-related interactive behaviors have long been a topic of research interest to academicians and practitioners. The present study, drawing from and expanding previous work, examined the relationships of salespersons' goal orientation and perceived customer demandingness to their CO and SO selling. Two hundreds and sixty-two salespeople from six life insurance firms were sampled as subjects. Moderated regression analysis indicates that salespersons' learning orientation and perceived customer demandingness all have directly positive impact on CO, but negative on SO selling. On the contrary, salespersons' performance-avoidance orientation has directly negative impact on CO. but positive on SO selling. Moreover, the findings also show that significantly positive relationships between performance-approach orientation and SO selling was found when perceived customer demandingness was high, and a significantly positive relationship between performance-approach orientation and CO selling was found when perceived customer demandingness was low. Finally, managerial implications and directions for future research are suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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