Because societies around the world have become aged, cases of dysphagia have increased due to degenerative diseases, stroke, or surgical treatment. Dysphagia often results in malnutrition, dehydration, weight loss, food reflux, or aspiration pneumonia and can lead to increased mortality. Most medical care for patients with dysphagia in Taiwan is conducted using an indwelling nasal gastric tube for maintenance of nutrition and water supplements. However, long-term use of indwelling nasal and gastric tubes can cause complications, including nose and throat damage, chronic sinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux, and aspiration pneumonia, along with affecting body image, self-esteem, and quality of life. This article presents the experiences of caring for patients with dysphagia in the United States and Japan and discusses the current status and future prospects for the care of such patients in Taiwan. By examining the experiences of developed countries, we have provided specific advice for the care of patients with dysphagia in Taiwan to reduce the use of indwelling nasal and gastric tubes, which can improve patients' nutritional care and quality of life.
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