


Using Social Software to Improve Quality of Life of Patients With Oral Cancer




鄧喬鳳(Chiao-Feng Teng);張瑛瑛(Ying-Ying Chang);張碧華(Pi-Hua Chang);周玉書(Yu-Shu Chou);蔡(斤斤)暻(Yin-Jing Tsai);徐倩儀(Chiann-Yi Hsu);沈君哲(Chun-Che Shen);張家慧(Chia-Hui Chang)


口腔癌 ; 連續性照護 ; 社群軟體 ; 生活品質 ; oral cancer ; continuity of care ; social software ; quality of life




35卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


222 - 233




口腔癌病人因治療造成語言溝通能力受限,導致心理的挫折感與無助感,影響溝通意願及訊息傳遞。本研究目的為評值口腔癌病人使用社群軟體獲得照護資訊及健康諮詢的成效,並瞭解接受社群軟體介入後生活品質的變化。採類實驗設計隨機分配法,以中部某醫學中心口腔癌病人為對象,共收案111位,對照組56位,實驗組55位。實驗組由癌症個管師提供社群軟體以強化照顧訊息之溝通;對照組為常規性照護。分別在分組前及收案後三個月以生活品質量表(EORTC QLQ -HN35)收集資料。結果顯示社群軟體介入後,高達88.8%口腔癌病人認為是有幫助的;在生活品質方面,兩組沒有顯著差異(p= .795),進一步以單組前後測檢定發現實驗組生活品質未達顯著差異性(p= .052);但疼痛問題有明顯改善(前測31.2±20.2,後測23.8±24.7,p= .033),對照組之生活品質則有變差之情形(前測29.7±10.8,後測36.7±13.3,p= .003)。顯示運用社群軟體於口腔癌病人提供連續性照護後,可維持其生活品質,建議能持續追蹤其效益並將此照顧模式推展至其他癌別病人之照顧。


Patients with oral cancer have limited language communication skills due to treatment. Patients are prone to frustration and helplessness during treatment, which affects their willingness to communicate. Interactive social software can encourage them to provide relevant information in a timely manner and enable two-way communication. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of community software for patients with oral cancer. The research method involved a randomly assigned experimental class design. A total of 111 patients with oral cavity cancer from a medical center were categorized into a control group (56 patients) and an experimental group (55 patients). Quality of life was measured 3 months before and after the grouping by using the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality Of Life Head & Neck Cancer Module. The results showed no significant differences between the basic attributes of the two groups. After using community software for continuous care intervention, up to 88.8% of patients with oral cancer considered this helpful. The quality of life measurements taken before and after the grouping did not reach a significant difference in the experimental group. However, a significant improvement of 7.4 in pain scores (p= .033) was observed, and quality of life significantly decreased in the control group (pretest 29.7 ± 10.8, posttest 36.7 ± 13.3; p= .003). This demonstrated the benefit of using community software for continuous care among patients with oral cancer to maintain their quality of life and reduce pain problems. This care model should be extended to the care of patients with other cancers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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