Patients with oral cancer have limited language communication skills due to treatment. Patients are prone to frustration and helplessness during treatment, which affects their willingness to communicate. Interactive social software can encourage them to provide relevant information in a timely manner and enable two-way communication. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of community software for patients with oral cancer. The research method involved a randomly assigned experimental class design. A total of 111 patients with oral cavity cancer from a medical center were categorized into a control group (56 patients) and an experimental group (55 patients). Quality of life was measured 3 months before and after the grouping by using the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality Of Life Head & Neck Cancer Module. The results showed no significant differences between the basic attributes of the two groups. After using community software for continuous care intervention, up to 88.8% of patients with oral cancer considered this helpful. The quality of life measurements taken before and after the grouping did not reach a significant difference in the experimental group. However, a significant improvement of 7.4 in pain scores (p= .033) was observed, and quality of life significantly decreased in the control group (pretest 29.7 ± 10.8, posttest 36.7 ± 13.3; p= .003). This demonstrated the benefit of using community software for continuous care among patients with oral cancer to maintain their quality of life and reduce pain problems. This care model should be extended to the care of patients with other cancers.
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