With the advancement of Internet technology and digital media, copyrighted works in the digital era are no longer delivered only in the material object forms but are transmitted in digital forms through the far-reaching Internet. In fact, online trading of copyrighted goods has become an integral part of people's daily activities. Either online purchasing of copyrighted goods, such as books, music CD, video DVD, or online trading and downloading of computer software, digital music, e-books to personal mobile devices, consumers gradually realize they are unable to resell their copyrighted goods through second-hand market because copyright owners specify their trading transactions as licensing and impose consumers additional restrictions on transfer or use of copyrighted goods. Various kinds of restrictive licensing has become the norm in the digital era, whereby copyright owners argue that the holders of digital copyrighted goods are licensees rather than property owners, and therefore consumers cannot invoke the first sale doctrine to defeat the copyright infringement claims. Consumers are compelled to accept the restrictive licensing, losing authority to alienate copyrighted goods they possess. Copyright owners use the restrictive licensing to circumvent application of the first sale doctrine and undermine the second-hand market for copyrighted goods. The actions taking by copyright owners not only tantamount to override copyright restrictions by private contracts, but also hinder the second-hand market for copyrighted goods and restrict competition. In the long run, the first sale doctrine of the copyright system striving to maintain the balance of rights of copyright owners and consumers is bound to change and can even undermine the freedom of alienation of property. As a result, this article is intended to address relevant U.S. cases and discuss copyright infringement and first sale issues caused by the restrictive licensing.
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