


Discount Level, Promotional Type, and Brand Awareness on Consumers' Brand Evaluation and Purchase Intention…An Empirical Study of Handsets




林陽助(Yang-Chu Lin);李宜致(Yi-Chih Lee);林吉祥(Steven C.H. Lin);林婉婷(Wan-Ting Lin)


折扣幅度 ; 促銷方式 ; 品牌知名度 ; 品牌評價 ; 購買意願 ; discount level ; promotional type ; brand awareness ; brand evaluation ; purchase intention




67期(2009 / 12 / 01)


1 - 46




廠商為了吸引更多的消費者來購買產品,隨處可見各式各樣的促銷手法。在眾多的促銷手法當中,「折價券」是最常被運用且最直接讓消費者感受到「價格不平等優勢」的方式之一。此外,品牌知名度往往會影響促銷產品的知覺品質,由於,消費者對於高知名度品牌有較多的產品知識,因此,高知名度品牌會往往帶給他們一種令人信賴之感覺,反之,若低知名度品牌是否會因折價所產生的負面評價更為強烈呢?因此,本研究亦將品牌知名度納入該研究架構之干擾變數。 為探討以上問題,本研究利用實驗設計的方式,來蒐集資料,以分析折扣幅度、促銷方式與品牌知名度對品牌評價及購買意願之影響,本研究所得之重要結論如下: 1.消費者在面對降價活動時,在高折價幅度下,會使消費者對於產品的整體評價產生懷疑,進而帶來負面的品質知覺;但其所感知到的價格犧牲較少,會認為知覺價值較高,因此會進一步提升購買的意願。 2.促銷方式的不同並不會影響消費者在對折扣幅度高低時所產生的價值知覺。 3.廠商品牌知名度高,會減低消費者面對折扣幅度高所帶來的負面知覺品質。 4.品牌知名度高低並不會影響消費者在面對不同折扣幅度時的價值知覺及購買意願。


In order for vendors to draw customers and encourage them to buy a product, all kinds of promotional methods are available. Among the many promotional methods, ”coupon” is one of the most commonly seen and the most direct way to make customers feel ”positional advantage over price. In addition, brand awareness often affects the perceived quality for a promotional product. Since customers have better product knowledge for brands with high brand awareness, therefore, these products are often more ”trustworthy” than others. On the contrary, ”Will brands with low brand awareness be viewed more negatively when they are discounted?” so, brand awareness is incorporated as a moderating variable in this study. To discuss the problems above, an experimental design method is adopted. Data is collected to analyze effects of discount level, promotional type, and brand awareness on brand evaluation and purchase intention. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Customers tend to have negative perceived quality toward a product that has a high discount level; however, customers tend to have positive perceived value and purchase intention toward a product that has a low discount level. 2. Different promotional method does not affect customers' perceived value for different discount level. 3. High brand awareness will diminish customers' negative perceived quality brought by high discount level. 4. The level of brand awareness does not affect the perceived value and the purchase intention when dealing with different discount level.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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