The purpose of this paper discussed how to use compensation mechanism enhance firm's future performance in depression era. According to corporate life cycle perspective, demonstrate how to design compensation mechanism enhance firm's future performance in different life cycle. This study used listed and OTC companies of Taiwan as sample. Using global financial crisis in 2007-2008 years measured the economic depression. We demonstrate how to design executive compensation to induce senior managers put the efforts to increase firm's future performance. This study used multiple regression models to estimate and discover different types of compensation of senior managers will cause different impacts on firm's future performance in the economic depression. First, there is positive significantly relationship between the total compensation of senior managers and the firm's future performance. Furthermore, we found the opposite result in the depression era and the boom era. In depression era, the company should pay confirm compensation (salary, bonuses and special expenses, and cash dividends) for senior managers, and do not give them uncertain compensation (stock dividends and employee stock options). This compensation design is more incentives and could increase firm's future performance. Beside, when firm in different corporate life cycle should have different compensation design. In grow period, firm should pay more cash dividend to increase firm's future performance. In addition, when the company get into maturity period must decrease pay stock di vidend to promote firm's future performance. Finally, company should not pay cash dividend to senior managers in decline period. The findings of this study could provide the company's compensation committee to establish the executive compensation for a basis. The stakeholders also could use this result to do decision-making by reference.
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