


Exploring the Influence of Salespeople's Emotional Intelligence on Customer Loyalty in Service Relationships


汪美伶(Mei-Ling Wang);陳志倫(Chih-Lun Chen);李俊賢(Chun-Hsien Lee)


情緒智商 ; 顧客導向行為 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 情緒評估理論 ; 情緒感染理論 ; emotional intelligence ; customer-oriented behavior ; customer loyalty ; appraisal theory of emotions ; emotional contagion theory




93期(2016 / 12 / 01)


93 - 126




本研究整合情緒評估理論、社會交換理論與情緒感染理論,驗證在服務關係下,銷售人員情緒智商對顧客導向行為與顧客忠誠度的影響效果,同時檢驗情緒智商是否會透過顧客導向行為,對顧客忠誠度產生影響。本研究針對國內從事財富管理服務的理財專員及其所屬顧客,以問卷方式蒐集133 位理財專員與571 位顧客之配對資料,進行層級迴歸分析與階層線性模式分析。結果發現,情緒智商分別對顧客導向行為、顧客忠誠度具有顯著正向影響,顧客導向行為對顧客忠誠度亦有顯著正向影響;顧客導向行為在情緒智商與顧客忠誠度間,則有顯著的中介效果。針對上述結果,本研究提出理論意涵與管理建議。


Borrowing from the appraisal theory of emotions, social exchange theory, and emotional contagion theory, this current study developed and examined the effects of emotional intelligence on customer-oriented behavior and customer loyalty in service relationships as well as investigated the mediating effect of customer-oriented behavior between emotional intelligence and customer loyalty. Data was collected from 133 financial consultants in charge of wealth management and their 571 customers in the banks of Taiwan and analyzed using hierarchical regression and hierarchical linear modeling. The results show that emotional intelligence had positive effects on customer-oriented behavior and customer loyalty, and customer-oriented behavior had positive effects on customer loyalty toward financial consultants. In addition, customer-oriented behavior had mediating effects in the relationship between emotional intelligence and customer loyalty. Based on the findings, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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