This paper starts from an initial discussion of Wei De-Sheng's film "Cape No. 7", trying to base its rendition of inter-ethnic co-presentation on Taiwan's guest ontology: the emerging ontological configuration of Taiwan qua a settler society of serial colonialism. As simultaneously a research on Giorgio Agamben, this paper subsequently expounds his theory, focusing on concepts such as "whatever singularity," "threshold," "paradigm/example," "as such," and "potentiality," which are taken as theoretical reference for the discussion of Taiwan. Additionally, since Agamben is influenced by the Madhyamaka- Buddhist thinker Nāgārjuna, this paper embarks a discussion that connects the two, accompanied by an analysis of Dōgen. The aim is to experiment with a trans-worldly theoretical model by way of conceptualizing possible imbrications between Buddhism and Agamben's thoughts. Returning to "Cape No. 7", the last part of this paper tries to illustrate the multiplicity of Taiwan as threshold, and thereby envisages a way for Taiwan to figure as a paradigm in the age of globalization.
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