


Bridging the Gap of Practice and Research: A Preliminary Investigation of Evidence-based Practice for Library and Information Science Research




吳寂絹(Chi-Chuan Wu);卜小蝶(Hsiao-Tieh Pu)


圖書資訊學教育 ; 研究與實務落差 ; 實證圖書館與資訊實務 ; Library and Information Science Education ; Research Practice Gap ; Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice




41卷2期(2015 / 10 / 01)


48 - 76




實務與研究之間的落差,常見於具有專業實踐與學術研究的領域。如何銜接落差,一直是圖書資訊學領域相當關心的議題。本文介紹近年來在歐美地區興起以實證為基礎之圖書資訊學研究內涵與發展,並以其中較具代表性之期刊Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice 為對象,透過內容分析了解其所發表文章之作者群背景、研究方法與主題。研究結果顯示美國與加拿大為主要貢獻國家;70%的第一作者為圖書館從業人員;76%文章為單一機構作者,少見跨國合著,呈現在地研究特性;合著模式以圖書館之間合作為主,圖書館與教學單位間的合作比例並不高;所採用的研究方法超過60%集中於問卷調查、訪談及內容分析等;研究主題幾乎涵蓋所有圖書資訊類別,其中又以「資訊素養與教學」、「資訊需求與資訊行為實徵研究」及「參考資訊服務/數位參考服務」等三類主題較為熱門(分佔15%、10%及8%);文章所採用的資料來源多為圖書館實際營運所得,且72%文章皆載明研究結果之具體應用方向,相較一般學術期刊論文,更注重研究之具體應用價值。臺灣不乏具備研究能力之圖資專業人員,本文以歐美相關研究為鏡,期盼促發更多館員對從事實證研究之興趣,以進一步提升實務決策品質及建立專業形象。


The gap between practice and research is commonly found in disciplines with both of professional practitioners and academic researchers. How to bridge the gap is also a continuing concern in the field of Library and Information Studies. This article describes the recent development of Evidence‐based Practice for Library and Information Science Research (EBLIP), and provides analysis of the journal EBLIP including its authors’ backgrounds, methods, and topics. The results show that the United States and Canada are the two major nations of contributors; more than 70% of first authors are librarians; 76% of the articles were contributed by one single institute, co‐authorship by cross‐nation institutes were rarely seen, and demonstrates local research interests; type of co‐authored agency is primarily among libraries; 60% methods employed include questionnaires, interviews and content analysis; the coverage of topics is rather broad, and the top three categories of research topics include Information Literacy & Instruction, Information Needs & Seeking Behavior, and Reference Services / Digital Reference Services (15%, 10%, and 8%); many datasets were obtained from real library practice, and 72% of articles provide specific implications for applications which highlight the value of implementation. Many librarians have the research capability, and this article serves as a purpose to introduce the evidence‐based research and encourage more such research done in Taiwan. Hopefully it may benefit and further enhance the quality of library decision‐making and their professional image.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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