


A Study on the Model of Influences on Innovation Action by Geographical Proximity an Example of Fastener Industry in Taiwan




陳協勝(Hsieh-Sheng Chen);張儀民(I-Min Chang)


產業群聚 ; 溝通 ; 知識內容 ; 創新 ; 互動強度 ; industry cluster ; communication ; knowledge content ; innovation ; interactive intensity




58期(2010 / 04 / 01)


89 - 114






The advance of technology, under the influence of globalization and knowledge-based economy, has diminished the physical distance among manufacturers and has instigated industry clustering. Just like the Silicon Valley in the US and Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan, the interactive intensity of agglomeration among manufacturers has facilitated knowledge exchange and advanced the effectiveness of innovation activity. This study probes the interconnections among geographical proximity, communication mode, knowledge content, and innovation activity, and in turn creates a model featuring the influence geographical proximity has on innovation action. The results showed that, the shorter the distance among the manufacturers, the more the influences on the fact-to-fact communication mode. Face-to-face communication has greater influences on tacit knowledge than telephone and email do; and explicit knowledge has greater influences on radical innovation than tacit knowledge does, in which the interactive intensity is the mediating variable of communication mode and knowledge content. The model can serve as reference for managing industry clusters. Adopting a proper communication mode can help the obtainment of the preferred knowledge, and can further affects the innovation activity.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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