


Community Disaster Resilience: Case Study of the Disaster Area of Typhoon Morakot




曾敏惠(Min-Hui Tseng);吳郁玶(Yu-Ping Wu);鄧傳忠(Chuan-Zhong Deng);陳宏宇(Hongey Chen)


韌性 ; 社區災害韌性 ; 復原重建 ; 莫拉克颱風 ; Resilience ; community disaster resilience ; recovery ; Typhoon Morakot




99期(2021 / 08 / 01)


1 - 31






This study takes 7 communities stricken by Typhoon Morakot in 2010 as cases to explore the changes and differences in disaster resilience during the post-disaster recovery process. The research methods include semi-structured qualitative interviews, secondary data analysis and participant observation. Economically, governments and academics provided professional counseling, hardware, as well as various employment services and other program plans. This study finds a significantly positive correlation between convenience of the transportation network and the development of local industries and economy. Demographically, the factor that most significantly affected population change after the disaster was the distance between the community and the nearest large city, and thus the convenience of interaction between them. Additionally, two factors affected the trend population growth, namely the distance between permanent house and original community location, and the relative population sizes of the relocated villages. [OK? Check meaning] The community-based disaster management program and preventive evacuation mechanism implemented by the governments positively encouraged the attitudes of the communities in disaster management.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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