


The Relationships among Perceived Parental Authority, Anger Process and Depression of College Students




程秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Cheng);林世華(Sieh-Hwa Lin);吳麗娟(Li-Chuan Wu)


大學生 ; 父母權威性 ; 生氣歷程 ; 教養方式 ; 憂鬱傾向 ; college students ; parental authority ; anger process ; child-rearing style ; depression




32卷2期(2001 / 04 / 01)


19 - 44






The study consisted of two sub-studies. Study one investigated the relationships among perceived parental authority, anger process and depression of college students. Study two tested the hypothesized path model of perceived parental authority, anger process and depression. The sample consisted of 765 students from nine universities and colleges in Taipei area, and was randomly assigned to study one and study two. The research instruments used in this study were ”Parental Authority Questionnaire”, ”Li Anger Process Questionnaire” and ”Beck Depression Inventory”. Data obtained in study one were analyzed by canonical correlation analysis, simultaneous multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Data obtained in study two were analyzed by path analysis. The main findings are as follows: (1) Individuals who perceived more maternal authoritarian, more paternal authoritarian, less maternal permissive, less maternal authoritative and less paternal authoritative experienced more anger antecedents and anger arousal. (2) While other variables were in control, individuals who perceived their mothers as more authoritarian or more permissive were likely to experience more depression. Whereas individuals who perceived their fathers as more permissive were less likely to experience depression. (3) Anger process significantly predicted depression. (4) According to the result of path analysis, the empirical data supported the hypothesized path model. The model could account for 17% of the total variance in depression.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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