Time analysis was conducted on three types of counseling personnel in secondary school to investigate their work activities in terms of direct services, indirect services, teaching, administration, in-service training, as well as the length of time spending on each service category. Research participants included 37 professional counselors, 39 junior high school guidance teachers, and 36 senior high school guidance teachers. Major findings were: 1. Professional counselors were found to spend significantly longer time than the junior and senior high school guidance teachers on direct services and indirect services. Senior high school guidance teachers were found to spend significantly longer time than junior high school guidance teachers on direct services; 2. Junior and senior high school guidance teachers were found to spend significantly longer time than professional counselors on teaching; 3. Junior high school guidance teachers were found to spend significantly longer time than professional counselors on administrative activities; 4. Senior high school guidance teachers were found to spend significantly longer time than the other two groups on other activities. Implications of the results and suggestions for future manpower planning were also presented.
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