


An Evaluation of a Solution-Focused Brief Counseling Training Program on School Teachers




許維素(Wei-Su Hsu)


焦點解決短期諮商 ; 諮商訓練方案 ; 教師在職進修 ; Solution-Focused Brief Counseling ; in-Service education of teachers ; Counseling training Program




33卷2期(2002 / 04 / 01)


57 - 77






After a solution-focused brief counseling training program for high school teachers was designed, this study aimed to 1) investigate the learning process of the trainees, and 2) evaluate the effects of this program. Participants' responses were collected from participant observation of the whole training class, questionnaire, an in-depth interview of the leader, a focus group discussion of ten trainees, and the counseling verbatim transcripts of all trainees. The present study had three major findings: 1) The evaluation and effects of this program were significantly high. 2) Once trainees were allowed adequate time to practice, this program was relatively easy to learn and implement in high school settings. 3) Trainees' learning process, although there were individual differences, revealed stage-like improvements. Some suggestions for further program designs and future trainers were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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