The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of family surroundings on reading ability. Subjects of this study were 511 students, randomly selected from Tainan Country and Kaoshiung City. The test materials in this research included: the Grade Chinese Characters Reading Test, Reading Comprehension Test (the fifth grade), Semantic Distinction Test, and Family Surrounding Inventory.
The data were analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlations, ANOVA, and Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis. The results of this study are listed as follows:
1. The Atmosphere and Habits of Reading, The Parents' Expectation and Caring about Children's Achievement were significantly related to Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension
2. Among family surroundings variables, The Atmosphere and Habits of Reading subscale significantly predicted the ability of word recognition; however, The Parents' Expectation and Caring about Children's Achievement subscale more significantly predicted the ability of reading comprehension.
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