


Evaluating the Influence of the ICEMB Training Curriculum (Integrating Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, and Behavior) on College Students' Sense of Humor and Creativity




陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)


幽默 ; 創造力 ; 課程設計 ; humor ; creativity ; training curriculum




35卷4期(2004 / 06 / 01)


393 - 411






The purposes of this study included: (a) to collect information about humor training curriculums, (b) to design a humor training curriculum, ICEMB, which Integrates components of Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, and Behavior in order to increase people's creativity and sense of humor, and (c) to explore the effectiveness of ICEMB. The ICEMB training curriculum includes 20 units and requires 30 hours to complete. This study was conducted with an experimental-control-group design. 20 students from NTNU (National Taiwan Normal University) and National Taipei Teachers College participated in the experimental group and another 35 students from NTNU participated in the control group. The difference in each participant's performance before and after ICEMB was the dependent variable. The participant's performance consisted of componential performances which were measured by the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale, Test of Divergent Feeling, and New Creativity Test. The results were as follows: (a) based on the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale, the experimental group was significantly better in understanding humor, creating humor, humor in social life, coping with humor, attitude toward humor, and tendency to laugh. (b) on the Test of Divergent Feeling, there was no difference between the experimental and the control group, (c) on the New Creativity Test, the experimental group was significantly better in language fluency, picture fluency, picture originality, and picture elaboration. In addition, subjects in the experimental group reported that this curriculum had helped them to promote their understanding of humor, appreciation of humor, humorous emotions, motivate to humor, humorous habit, and the development of creativity. Thus, it is evident that ICEMB can help people to improve their sense of humor and creativity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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