


The Effect of Chinese Character Composition on the Development of Character Recognition in Children




吳宜貞(Yi-Chen Wu);黃秀霜(Hsiu-Shung Huang)


六書 ; 認字正確性 ; 認字成長組型 ; Chinese categories ; character recognition ; growth pattern of character recognition




36卷1期(2004 / 09 / 01)


1 - 12






This study examined whether certain categories of Chinese characters were more difficult to learn and whether the phonetic component found in some characters plays an important role for children learning to read Chinese. Participants were 3655 Chinese students from grade 1 through 9. Results indicated that there is a statistically significant relation between grade and character recognition ability at the elementary level, but not in junior high, and that some categories were significantly more difficult to recognize than others. The rank order of the character difficulty for categories, from hard to easy, was phonetic complex>logical aggregates>imitative drafts=indicative letters. Thus, the Chinese characters in the phonetic complex category are more difficult than the characters in the other three categories. When this category was further broken into five Subtypes, there were significant differences in recognition accuracy among these Subtypes. According to the results, students have the best accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has a different pronunciation than the phonetic component and have the worst accuracy of word recognition when the Chinese character has the same pronunciation as the phonetic component.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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