


The Effect of a Humor Training Curriculum Blended into on Integrated Activities Course on 7th-Grade Students' Creative Thinking and Interpersonal Coping Skills




張景媛(Chin-Yuan Chang);陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen);黃譯瑩(Yi-Ying Huang)


人際因應 ; 幽默訓練融入國—綜合活動課程 ; 創造思考 ; interpersonal coping ; humor training curriculum incorporated into integrated activities ; creative thinking




36卷1期(2004 / 09 / 01)


13 - 33






The purposes of this study were (1) to design a humor-training curriculum for 7th-grade students and (2) to investigate the effect of this curriculum on the creative thinking and the interpersonal coping skills of 7th-grade students. For these aims, the researchers first divided 4 classes of 7th-grade students into the experimental group and control group. The experimental group was trained using a new intergrated-activities curriculum, which was embedded with humor-training skills. In contrast, the control group was trained with the usual integrated activities curriculum. The dependent variables included participants' performances on the ”New Creativity Test”,the ”Multidimensional Sence of Humor Scale”, and the ”Humoristic-Interpersonal Coping Inventory”. After one year of training, the researchers found that: (1) in terms of creative thinking, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on linguistic creative thinking, although they both performed equally well on pictorial creative thinking and (2) for interpersonal coping skills, there was no difference between the performances of the experimental and control group on the multi-component humor inventory and the humoristic-interpersonal coping inventory.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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