


Nondisclosure of Supervisees in the Supervisory Process




許韶玲(Shao-Ling Hsu)


受督導者 ; 督導 ; 督導者 ; 督導過程 ; 隱而未說 ; nondisclosure ; supervisee ; supervision ; supervisor ; supervisory process




36卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


109 - 125






The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of supervisees' nondisclosure in the supervisory process. Six master-level counselors in practicum were supervised between four to six sessions. Following each supervisory session, they were interviewed immediately while watching the videotapes of the supervisory process. According to the results, nondisclosure of supervisees occurred during each supervisory session. However, occurred during the highest frequency of nondisclosure the first session of supervison. Over the proceeding sessions, nondisclosure frequency tended to decline. On average, each supervisee performed 3.96 nondisclosures in each session. The most common nondisclosures were those that focused on the interaction between supervisor and supervisee. Among these nondisclosures, most involved negative emotions as well as negative evaluations toward the supervisor. The effects of nondisclosures on the supervisory process were all negative, especially regarding supervisee's ability to attain professional learning as a counselor. Finally, with the exception of those involving positive emotions and positive evaluations towards supervisors all other categories of nondisclosures had negative effects, the most significant concerning supervisee's ability to attain professional learning as a counselor. In addition, different categories of nondisclosures resulted in different effect patterns

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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