


An Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Promoting Elementary School Guidance Teacher's Guidance Competence through Filial Therapy Training




何美雪(Mei-Hsueng Ho);高淑貞(Sue-Chen Kao);洪慧涓(Hui-Chuan Hung)


口語反應 ; 兒童中心遊戲治療 ; 認輔教師 ; 輔導知能 ; 親子遊戲治療 ; verbal response ; child-centered play therapy ; guidance teacher ; guidance competence ; filial therapy




37卷1期(2005 / 09 / 01)


1 - 21






The purpose of this research was to conduct a filial therapy training group program for guidance teachers in elementary schools based on child-centered play therapy, and to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of this program in promoting the guidance teacher's competence, and changing the modes of interaction between teachers and children. The filial therapy group consisted of 14 volunteer teachers of an elementary school in Taichung County. Seven of the teachers attended the training program, while the others didn't receive training. The ten-week training program was designed by Landreth. While taking this training program, each of the seven volunteer teachers conducted seven weekly 30-minute play sessions with one child from their own class. The effectiveness of the training was examined with a researcher-designed ”Coding classification table of teacher-student play therapy verbal response modes” and ”The Play Therapy Attitude-Knowledge-skills Survey” (PTAKSS). After data collection and analysis, the following conclusions were reached: a. After receiving filial therapy training, differences were noted in the trainees' cognition, attitudes and skills: 1. Training in the skill of child-centered play therapy exercised a positive influence on the participants' ability to combine knowledge with action. 2. Training had a positive effect on the participants' levels of knowledge and confidence in their skills; however, the program was less effective in changing attitudes. 3. Skill acquisition was achieved to different degrees, and some facilitative responses such as ”expansion of meaning”, ”offering freedom” and ”emotional reflection” were found to be less developed after training. b. The effectiveness of training in modes of interaction between teacher and children: After receiving filial therapy training, the trainees' verbal response modes of ”criticizing” and ”ordering” clearly decreased, and their perception of their role as one of ”instruction” before training was transformed into one of ”keeping company” and ”encouraging”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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