


Treatments of Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions to Bus Traffic Accident: A Preliminary Study




陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen);邱珍琬(Jane Chiu);楊妙芬(Myau-Fen Yang);黃素雲(Su-Yun Huang)


心理重建 ; 集體車禍兒童 ; 班級團體輔導 ; 個別諮商 ; bus traffic accident children ; group guidance ; individual counseling ; psychological reconstruction




37卷3期(2006 / 03 / 01)


275 - 296






The aims of this study were to investigate 33 school children who had experienced a car accident: (1) Did these trauma-stricken children show any change or improvement on PTSD syndromes? (2) Was there any difference on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety respectively comparing to children of other schools? The results of this study showed that: (1) there was significant difference between PTSD syndromes before and after the combined interventions; (2) there was no significant difference between these target children and children of other schools on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety; and (3) there was no significant difference found on State Anxiety and Trait Anxiety before and after the combined interventions. Suggestions were made for future research and counseling practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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