


A Study of the Internet Addiction Model for Northern Taiwanese High School Students




韓佩凌(Pay-Ling Harn);鄔佩麗(Pei-Li Wu);陳淑惠(Sue-Huei Chen);張郁雯(Yu-Wen Chang)


高中職學生 ; 徑路分析 ; 結構方程模組 ; 網路沈迷 ; analysis study of causal relations ; high school students ; Internet addiction model ; structural equation modeling SEM




38卷3期(2007 / 03 / 01)


355 - 373






The purpose of this study was to explore related factors for Internet addiction among Taiwanese high school The purpose of this study was to explore related factors for Internet addiction among Taiwanese high school students. The researchers constructed an Internet addiction model based on existing related theories. Data were collected using paper-and pencil questionnaires from 342 high school students. The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. The following results were obtained: (a) the Internet addiction model fits the observed data; (b) Internet usage had statistically positive influence on Internet addiction; (c) life pressure had statistically positive influence on Internet addiction; (d) depressive tendency had statistically positive influence on Internet addiction; (e) interpersonal problems had no statistically influence on Internet addiction; and (f) self-esteem had no statistically influence on Internet addiction. The researchers discuss the results and provide suggestions for counseling practice and future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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