


The Relationship among Practical Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Professional Performance of Taiwanese Elementary School Teachers




陳密桃(Mi-Tao Chen);李新民(Hsing-Ming Lee);黃秀霜(Hsiu-Shuang Huang)


國民小學教師 ; 專業表現 ; 情緒智能 ; 實用智能 ; elementary school teachers ; emotional intelligence ; practical intelligence ; professional performance




39卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


295 - 316






The purpose of this study was to measure Taiwanese elementary school teachers' practical intelligence (PI), emotional intelligence (EI), and professional performance. In addition, this study tried to explore the relationships among PI, EI, and professional performance of elementary school teachers. Questionnaire survey was conducted with 3508 elementary school teachers in Taiwan. The major instruments for this study were Elementary School Teacher Practical Intelligence Scale (ESTPIS), Elementary School Teacher Emotional Intelligence Scale (ESTEIS), and Elementary School Teacher Professional Performance Checklist (ESTPPC), as measures of EI, PI, and professional performance, respectively. The obtained data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that there were significantly correlations among PI, EI, and professional performance of elementary school teachers. Based on the findings, suggestions for future studies are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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