


The Structural Equation Modeling Construction and the Sex Structure Invariance Assessment of Factors Affecting Innovative Behavior of Information Infused Instruction for Elementary School Teachers




吳采蓉(Tasi-Jung Wu);楊淑晴(Shu-Ching Yang)


結構方程式 ; 資訊融入教學專業素養 ; 資訊融入教學創新行為 ; 資訊融入教學創新氣氛 ; 資訊融入教學創新動機 ; Structural Equation Modeling ; Innovative Behavior of Information Infused Instruction ; Innovative Climate of Information Infused Instruction ; Innovative Motivation of Information Infused Instruction ; Pedag




40卷3期(2009 / 03 / 01)


385 - 418






The purpose of this study was totest a structural equation model and to assess the sex structure invariance of factors affecting innovative behavior of information infused instruction for elementary school teachers. A questionnaire, Questionnaire on factors affecting innovative behavior of information infused instruction for elementary school teachers,” was created for study. The sample was composed of 823 elementary school teachers in Kaohsiung City. Major findings of the study were as follows: (1) ” innovative climate of information infused instruction,” ”pedagogical literacy of information infused instruction,” and ”innovative motivation of information infused instruction” had significant direct effect on ”innovative behavior of information infused instruction”; (2) ”innovative climate of information infused instruction” and ”the pedagogical literacy of information infused instruction” had significant direct effect on ”innovative motivation of information infused instruction”; (3) ”innovative climate of information infused instruction” had significant direct effect on ”pedagogical literacy of information infused instruction”; (4) males and females showed no significant difference in measurement weights, structural weights, and structural covariances; (5) relative comparison showed that differences existed in structural means, structural intercepts, measurement intercepts, and measurement residuals of both sexes. According to these recommendations to follow-up researchers for future research are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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